Friday, January 30, 2015

Review: Shutter Shades

Alright so these things are SO COOL! Really I am not even joking! They come in a package and have all these different colors.

 You could buy them as party favors but I just got them because I knew my kids would like them... 

I have four kids ages 16, 12,10,and 5. They wear these things ALL OVER! My 12 year old son calls them SWAG GLASSES!

 I have no idea what that means but I think it translates into these are some COOL A** GLASSES.
 Yea me and Dad had to give them a try too! I guess we look pretty (what's the word) SWAG in them. I was impressed these suckers fit over my old granny bi-focal glasses. So now when I go out I can look all cool with my bad self in these awesome Shutter Shade glasses and there is enough colors where you know I have a pair that will go with each outfit.. 
WOOHOO. I did receive this product at a discounted price but that in no way effects my opinion on how cool they are. I seriously would have payed double of what they are worth just to watch my kids with them

If you would like your very own pair of cool shutter shade glasses you can purchase them here

1 comment:

  1. Neat sunglasses! They look like they had a lot of fun!
