Monday, February 23, 2015

Where Oh Where Has My Daughter Gone


I got this as a surprise for my 5 year old daughter. She is at the stage where Princesses are her life. I actually have got her some similar play tents before but they were not nicely made and ended up being destroyed within a few uses! I ordered this tent and it ended up shipping the same day and I was actually shocked to see it delivered as fast. When it arrived it arrived via FED EX in a cardboard box that was big enough to keep it safe and protected.

When it arrived my daughter had no clue at all that I had bought her this! Me and her older sister told her to go in my room and watch a movie and then we went to put it together. So me and my older daughter really are not that mechanically inclined when it comes to ANYTHING at all and we were figuring putting it together was going to take at least the length of one of her T.V. shows.


We were so shocked when it literally took less than 5 minutes! Putting it together was a breeze all we did was put the poles in and tie some strings together! This is a great quality tent! The poles really make this tent nice and strong. I am sure that this Princess Castle is going to last a long long time! When we finally showed her she was so so surprised! I got the biggest hug I have received in a while. She absolutely LOVES playing in it pretending she is a princess and she even sleeps in it at nights. I am 100% satisfied with my purchase from Playou and would recommend any of my family and close friends to do them.

I received this item at a discounted price in order to provide an honest and unbiased review! In cases that I receive an item at a discount this effects my opinion in no way, shape, or form. I expect all items to function the same discount or not. If you would like to purchase your own really cool Princess Tent like this one just head on over to Amazon to place your order  <<


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