This bag was sent to me directly from the seller. It was not my favorite bag appearance wise but it does do the trick. There is a compartment large enough to fit books, clothes, snacks, or whatever you want to put in the Backpack. There is a zipper on the top that opens and shuts easily.
There is a compartment for smaller items on the front that zips open and shut and also an Ipod port attached to the front of the backpack. 2 mesh pockets on each side for bottled water or whatever you choose to put there.
My youngest daughter actually LOVED the orange on it and she has used this backpack twice. We have had it less than a week but it seems to be doing what it is supposed to just fine.
There is padded straps on the back of it so that you are able to wear it comfortably. The price right now is less than ten dollars so you cant beat that. If you want more information on this product click HERE.
** This product was received for review and inspection purposes. No compensation for a positive review was provided. All of my reviews are based 100% off of my experience with the product and I never guarantee a positive review.
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